Why polyurethane casters don’t last when left for a long time

Often customers ask us polyurethane casters placed for a long time, aging will occur, easy to break and other phenomena, in fact, this is not a caster problem, which is a normal phenomenon.

First, polyurethane caster aging reasons
Polyurethane caster aging causes are varied. Generally speaking, the main causes of polyurethane caster aging include oxidation, ultraviolet radiation, humidity, high temperature, low temperature, chemical solvents and other environmental factors, as well as the polymer molecular chain of its own structure and chemical stability and other factors.


Second, polyurethane caster aging impact
Polyurethane caster aging, its physical and chemical properties will change, manifested as darker color, surface cracking, hardness decline, elasticity reduction. With the aggravation of the degree of aging, the performance of polyurethane casters will gradually lose function, eventually leading to material failure. In practical applications, such as building sealing materials, artificial leather products, automobile seats and other fields, aging polyurethane casters may lead to potential safety hazards.

Third, whether polyurethane aging will lead to material softening
After polyurethane caster aging, the hardness and elasticity of the material will decrease, which may lead to softening of the material, but this is not the only way of manifestation of aging. For example, the decline in compression properties of polyurethane casters may lead to deformation of the material under force. Of course, physical performance indicators such as hardness and elasticity of polyurethane casters change before and after aging, which is one of the most important indicators of the degree of material aging.

Post time: May-28-2024