Explanation of some specialized names of casters

Casters, this common hardware accessories equipment in daily life, its terminology do you understand it? Caster rotation radius, eccentric distance, installation height, etc., what do these actually mean? Today, I will explain in detail the professional terminology of these casters.
1, installation height: this refers to the vertical distance from the ground to the equipment installation position.


2, bracket steering center distance: the center rivet vertical line to the center of the wheel core of the horizontal distance that is the bracket steering center distance.
3、Rotating radius: the horizontal distance from the vertical line of the center rivet to the outer edge of the tire, the appropriate spacing can make the caster achieve 360-degree steering. The reasonableness of the turning radius is directly related to the service life of the caster.


4、Eccentricity distance: the distance between the steering axis of the bracket and the steering axis of the single wheel is called eccentricity distance. The larger the eccentricity distance is, the more flexible the caster rotation is, but the carrying capacity is reduced accordingly.
5, traveling load: casters in the movement of the load-bearing capacity, also known as moving load. The traveling load varies according to different standards and experimental methods of factories, and is also affected by the material of wheels. The key lies in whether the structure and quality of the support can resist impact and shock.


6、Impact load: the instantaneous load-bearing capacity of the casters when the equipment is impacted or shaken by the bearer.
7, static load: casters in the static state can withstand the weight. Static load should generally be 5-6 times the driving load, and at least 2 times the impact load.
8, traveling flexibility: factors affecting the traveling flexibility of the casters include the structure of the bracket, the bracket steel selection, the size of the wheel, wheel type and bearings and so on.

Post time: May-20-2024